
public class ProjectsEnpointGroup : EndpointGroup

This EndpointGroup communicates with Projects API

Projects API

Project visibility level

Project in GitLab can be either private, internal or public. This is determined by the visibility field in the project.

Values for the project visibility level are:

  • private: Project access must be granted explicitly for each user.
  • internal: The project can be cloned by any logged in user.
  • public: The project can be cloned without any authentication.

Project merge method

There are currently three options for merge_method to choose from:

  • merge: A merge commit is created for every merge, and merging is allowed as long as there are no conflicts.
  • rebase_merge: A merge commit is created for every merge, but merging is only allowed if fast-forward merge is possible. This way you could make sure that if this merge request would build, after merging to target branch it would also build.
  • ff: No merge commits are created and all merges are fast-forwarded, which means that merging is only allowed if the branch could be fast-forwarded.
  • List all projects Get a list of all visible projects across GitLab for the authenticated user. When accessed without authentication, only public projects with “simple” fields are returned.

    Query Parameters:

    • Optional:
    • archived: Boolean - Limit by archived status
    • visibility: String - Limit by visibility public, internal, or private
    • order_by: String - Return projects ordered by id, name, path, created_at, updated_at, or last_activity_at fields. Default is created_at
    • sort: String - Return projects sorted in asc or desc order. Default is desc
    • search: String - Return list of projects matching the search criteria
    • simple boolean Return - only limited fields for each project. This is a no-op without authentication as then only simple fields are returned:
    • owned: Boolean - Limit by projects explicitly owned by the current user
    • membership: Boolean - Limit by projects that the current user is a member of
    • starred: Boolean - Limit by projects starred by the current user
    • statistics: Boolean - Include project statistics
    • with_custom_attributes: Boolean - Include custom attributes in response (admins only)
    • with_issues_enabled: Boolean - Limit by enabled issues feature
    • with_merge_requests_enabled: Boolean - Limit by enabled merge requests feature
    • wiki_checksum_failed: Boolean - Limit projects where the wiki checksum calculation has failed (Introduced in GitLab Premium 11.2)
    • repository_checksum_failed: Boolean - Limit projects where the repository checksum calculation has failed (Introduced in GitLab Premium 11.2)
    • min_access_level: Integer - Limit by current user minimal access level



    public func getProjects(parameters: QueryParameters? = nil, page: Int = 1, perPage: Int = RxGitLabAPIClient.defaultPerPage) -> Observable<[Project]>

    Return Value

    An Observable of list of projects in a project

  • Undocumented



    public func getProjects(parameters: QueryParameters? = nil) -> Paginator<Project>
  • Get single project

    Get a specific project. This endpoint can be accessed without authentication if the project is publicly accessible.



    public func getProject(projectID: Int, parameters: QueryParameters? = nil) -> Observable<Project>



    ID of the project

    Return Value

    An Observable of Project

  • Get project users

    Get the users list of a project. The pagination parameters page and per_page can be used to restrict the list of references.

    • userID: ID of the user
    • page: The page number

    Optional Query Parameters:

    • user_id: String - The ID or username of the user
    • archived: Boolean - Limit by archived status
    • visibility: String - Limit by visibility public, internal, or private
    • order_by: String - Return projects ordered by id, name, path, created_at, updated_at, or last_activity_at fields. Default is created_at
    • sort: String - Return projects sorted in asc or desc order. Default is desc
    • search: String - Return list of projects matching the search criteria
    • simple: Boolean - Return only limited fields for each project. This is a no-op without authentication as then only simple fields are returned.
    • owned: Boolean - Limit by projects explicitly owned by the current user
    • membership: Boolean - Limit by projects that the current user is a member of
    • starred: Boolean - Limit by projects starred by the current user
    • statistics: Boolean - Include project statistics
    • with_custom_attributes: Boolean - Include custom attributes in response (admins only)
    • with_issues_enabled: Boolean - Limit by enabled issues feature
    • with_merge_requests_enabled: Boolean - Limit by enabled merge requests feature
    • min_access_level: Integer - Limit by current user minimal access level



    public func getUserProjects(userID: Int, parameters: QueryParameters? = nil, page: Int = 1) -> Observable<[Project]>

    Return Value

    An Observable of list of Project

  • Get project users

    Get the paginator of users list of a project.

    • userID: ID of the user

    Optinal Query Parameters:

    • user_id: String - The ID or username of the user
    • archived: Boolean - Limit by archived status
    • visibility: String - Limit by visibility public, internal, or private
    • order_by: String - Return projects ordered by id, name, path, created_at, updated_at, or last_activity_at fields. Default is created_at
    • sort: String - Return projects sorted in asc or desc order. Default is desc
    • search: String - Return list of projects matching the search criteria
    • simple: Boolean - Return only limited fields for each project. This is a no-op without authentication as then only simple fields are returned.
    • owned: Boolean - Limit by projects explicitly owned by the current user
    • membership: Boolean - Limit by projects that the current user is a member of
    • starred: Boolean - Limit by projects starred by the current user
    • statistics: Boolean - Include project statistics
    • with_custom_attributes: Boolean - Include custom attributes in response (admins only)
    • with_issues_enabled: Boolean - Limit by enabled issues feature
    • with_merge_requests_enabled: Boolean - Limit by enabled merge requests feature
    • min_access_level: Integer - Limit by current user minimal access level



    public func getUserProjects(userID: Int, parameters: QueryParameters? = nil) -> Paginator<Project>

    Return Value

    An Paginator of type Project

  • Get project users

    Get the users list of a project.

    • projectID: The ID or URL-encoded path of the project



    public func getProjectUsers(projectID: Int) -> Observable<[User]>

    Return Value

    An Observable of list of Users

  • Create project

    Creates a new project owned by the authenticated user.



    public func postProject(project: Project) -> Observable<Project>



    A Project to be created

    Return Value

    A posted Project

  • Remove project

    Removes a project including all associated resources (issues, merge requests etc.)



    public func deleteProject(projectID: Int) -> Observable<HTTPURLResponse>



    The ID or URL-encoded path of the project

    Return Value

    An Observable of server HTTPURLResponse

  • Create project for user

    Creates a new project owned by the specified user. Available only for admins.

    • project: A Project Object
    • userID: The user ID of the project owner



    public func postProjectForUser(project: Project, userID: Int) -> Observable<Project>

    Return Value

    An Observable of the posted Project

  • Edit project

    Updates an existing project.



    public func putProject(project: Project) -> Observable<Project>



    A Project to be updated

    Return Value

    An Observable of Project

  • Fork project

    Forks a project into the user namespace of the authenticated user or the one provided. The forking operation for a project is asynchronous and is completed in a background job. The request will return immediately. To determine whether the fork of the project has completed, query the import_status for the new project.

    • projectID: The ID or URL-encoded path of the project
    • namespace: The ID or path of the namespace that the project will be forked to



    public func forkProject(projectID: Int, namespace: String) -> Observable<HTTPURLResponse>

    Return Value

    An Observable of server HTTPURLResponse

  • List Forks of a project

    List the projects accessible to the calling user that have an established, forked relationship with the specified project

    • projectID: projectID descriptionThe ID or URL-encoded path of the project
    • Optional:
    • archived: Boolean - Limit by archived status
    • visibility: String - Limit by visibility public, internal, or private
    • order_by: String - Return projects ordered by id, name, path, created_at, updated_at, or last_activity_at fields. Default is created_at
    • sort: String - Return projects sorted in asc or desc order. Default is desc
    • search: String - Return list of projects matching the search criteria
    • simple: Boolean - Return only limited fields for each project. This is a no-op without authentication as then only simple fields are returned.
    • owned: Boolean - Limit by projects explicitly owned by the current user
    • membership: Boolean - Limit by projects that the current user is a member of
    • starred: Boolean - Limit by projects starred by the current user
    • statistics: Boolean - Include project statistics
    • with_custom_attributes: Boolean - Include custom attributes in response (admins only)
    • with_issues_enabled: Boolean - Limit by enabled issues feature
    • with_merge_requests_enabled: Boolean - Limit by enabled merge requests feature
    • min_access_level: Integer - Limit by current user minimal access level



    public func getProjectForks(projectID: Int, parameters: QueryParameters? = nil ) -> Observable<[Project]>

    Return Value

    An Observable of list of projects

  • Star a project

    Stars a given project. Returns status code 304 if the project is already starred.



    public func starProject(projectID: Int) -> Observable<Project>



    The ID or URL-encoded path of the project

    Return Value

    An Observable of a starred project

  • Unstar a project

    Unstars a given project. Returns status code 304 if the project is not starred.



    public func unstarProject(projectID: Int) -> Observable<Project>



    The ID or URL-encoded path of the project

    Return Value

    An Observable of a starred project

  • Languages

    Get languages used in a project with percentage value.



    public func getLanguages(projectID: Int) -> Observable<[String : Double]>



    The ID or URL-encoded path of the project

    Return Value

    An Observable of a dictionary of languages

  • Archive a project

    Archives the project if the user is either admin or the project owner of this project. This action is idempotent, thus archiving an already archived project will not change the project.



    public func archiveProject(projectID: Int) -> Observable<Project>



    The ID or URL-encoded path of the project

    Return Value

    An Observable of a project

  • Unarchive a project

    Unarchives the project if the user is either admin or the project owner of this project. This action is idempotent, thus unarchiving a non-archived project will not change the project.



    public func unarchiveProject(projectID: Int) -> Observable<Project>



    The ID or URL-encoded path of the project

    Return Value

    An Observable of a project

  • Share project with group

    Allow to share project with group.

    • projectID: The ID or URL-encoded path of the project
    • groupID: The ID of the group to share with
    • groupAccess: The permissions level to grant the group
    • expiresAt: Share expiration date



    public func shareProjectWithGroup(projectID: Int, groupID: Int, groupAccess: Int, expiresAt: Date? = nil) -> Observable<HTTPURLResponse>

    Return Value

    An Observable of server HTTPURLResponse

  • Delete a shared project link within a group

    Unshare the project from the group. Returns 204 and no content on success.

    • projectID: The ID or URL-encoded path of the project
    • groupID: The ID of the group



    public func deleteSharedProjectWithinGroup(projectID: Int, groupID: Int) -> Observable<HTTPURLResponse>

    Return Value

    An Observable of server HTTPURLResponse

  • List project hooks

    Get a list of project hooks.

    • projectID: The ID or URL-encoded path of the project
    • page: The page number
    • perPage: Maximum item count per page



    public func getHooks(projectID: Int, page: Int = 1, perPage: Int = RxGitLabAPIClient.defaultPerPage) -> Paginator<ProjectHook>

    Return Value

    A Paginator of Hook

  • Get project hook

    Get a specific hook for a project.

    • projectID: The ID or URL-encoded path of the project
    • hookID: The ID of a project hook



    public func getHook(projectID: Int, hookID: Int) -> Observable<ProjectHook>

    Return Value

    An Observable of a ProjectHook

  • Add project hook

    Adds a hook to a specified project.

    • projectID: The ID of a project hook
    • hook: A Hook to be created



    public func postHook(projectID: Int, hook: ProjectHook) -> Observable<ProjectHook>

    Return Value

    An Observable of server HTTPURLResponse

  • Edit project hook

    Edits a hook for a specified project.

    • projectID: The ID or URL-encoded path of the project
    • hook: A hook to be updated



    public func putHook(projectID: Int, hook: ProjectHook) -> Observable<ProjectHook>

    Return Value

    An Observable of server HTTPURLResponse

  • Delete project hook

    Removes a hook from a project. This is an idempotent method and can be called multiple times. Either the hook is available or not.

    • projectID: The ID or URL-encoded path of the project

    • hookID: The ID of the project hook



    public func deleteHook(projectID: Int, hookID: Int) -> Observable<HTTPURLResponse>

    Return Value

    An Observable of server HTTPURLResponse

  • Create a forked from/to relation between existing projects

    • projectID: The ID or URL-encoded path of the project
    • forkedFromID: The ID of the project that was forked from



    public func postForkRelation(projectID: Int, forkedFromID: Int) -> Observable<HTTPURLResponse>

    Return Value

    An Observable of server HTTPURLResponse

  • Delete an existing forked from relationship



    public func deleteForkRelation(projectID: Int) -> Observable<HTTPURLResponse>



    The ID or URL-encoded path of the project

    Return Value

    An Observable of server HTTPURLResponse

  • Start the Housekeeping task for a Project



    public func postHousekeeping(projectID: Int) -> Observable<HTTPURLResponse>



    The ID or URL-encoded path of the project

    Return Value

    An Observable of server HTTPURLResponse

  • Transfer a project to a new namespace

    • projectID: The ID of the project
    • namespace: The ID or path of the namespace to transfer to project to



    public func putTransfer(projectID: Int, namespace: String) -> Observable<HTTPURLResponse>

    Return Value

    An Observable of server HTTPURLResponse